Protect your PDF files with an encrypted password

Add an encrypted password (AES-128) to protect your PDF file from unauthorized access

Drag-and-drop your file or click here to
We protect access to you file with an encrypted password (AES-128). We do not store the password you choose. You will be the only one to have access to it.

Unlimited use

Add a password to protect access to your PDF file in just a few clicks. It's easy and free. Start by selecting or dragging-and-dropping the file directly on our website.

Your files are private

All files processed on our website are kept private. We do not resell or share any of your personal data.

Compatible with all your devices

1pdf is compatible with your computer (linux, macOS, Windows...) and your smartphone or tablet (iOS, Android...).

A powerful Cloud architecture

Our 1pdf service provides an upgradeable and high-performing platform to ensure our tools and your PDF files are readily available.

Unlimited use

1pdf is a free online service offering unlimited use. Merge, divide, compress, convert, encrypt, or rotate your PDF files in just a few clicks.

How can I protect and encrypt a PDF file by adding a password for free?

1. Select the file you would like to protect

To start using this tool, first select the PDF file you would like to protect with a password, on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

2. Enter a password

Once you've uploaded your PDF file, enter a password and confirm it by entering the same password again. Then click submit to encrypt your file.

3. Download the protected file

Voilà! Download or share your encrypted PDF file(s) on your computer or smartphone and start again whenever you'd like.

Why use 1pdf to encrypt and protect your PDF file for free?

With 1pdf, control access to your PDF file using a symmetric encryption algorithm (AES-128 bits) and by adding a password that you only will know. We will not store the password you enter so it is important you write it down or memorize it because it will not be retrievable.

With 1pdf, control access to your PDF file using a symmetric encryption algorithm (AES-128 bits) and by adding a password that you only will know. We will not store the password you enter so it is important you write it down or memorize it because it will not be retrievable.